Sunday, January 16, 2011

Travel to the 2011 International Students For Liberty Conference

For those of you who don't know, the annual International Students For Liberty Conference is the preeminent gathering of pro-liberty students in the country. It's a chance to meet fellow students from all over the country interested in advancing liberty, the diverse organizations involved in the liberty movement, and scholars and activists well-versed in the ideas of liberty. 

Essentially, if you are a student, strive to advance liberty, and live within a few hours of DC, there is no excuse for not being there.

And this year's conference looks to be the best one yet. A special taping of the Stossel Show, speakers like economists Tyler Cowen and Bryan Caplan, former NM Governor Gary Johnson, breakout sessions appealing to various crowds (public policy, Austrian economics, careers in liberty, activism training, more), six free meals, tons of free materials and resources - all terrific.

You can register and find more information here.

Now, if you'd like to travel with a group down to DC, there is also an option for that. Take a look at this bus trip from New York City is being coordinated.